Hijab burka nakab:-
हिजाब बुर्का या नक़ब इस्लाम धर्म में महिलाओ द्वारा पहनने जाने वाला धार्मिक परिधान है। जिस्म महिलाओं की आंखों को छोडकर पुरा शरिर ढाका रहता है।
Hijab ka itihas:- हिजाब अरब देशों में पहने जाने वाला एक परिधान है जो वहां की की जलवायु के अनुकूल है हिजाब अरब देशों में रहने वाले पुरुष एवं महिलाओं को वहां के गर्म और शुष्क हवा से शरीर को जलाने वाली गर्मी से बचाता है ।
हिजाब इस्लाम से भी पुराना है हालांकि बाद में उसे इस्लाम के उदय के समय इस्लाम से जोड़ती है क्या होगा तथा मुस्लिम आक्रांता ओं के साथ इसकाप्रचार प्रसार भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में भी हुआ।
कुरान के अनुसार हिजाब केबल मोहम्मद साहब के परिवार की महिलाओं के लिए ही अनिवार्य था लेकिन बाद में उसे अन्य सामान्य लोगों के लिए भी अनिवार्य बना दिया गया।
कर्नाटक हिजाब मामला
आजकल कर्नाटक राज्य में hijab को लेकर मामला करनी है तथा इस मामले में पूरे भारत में राजनीति हो रही है।
अखिर kya hai Karnatak hijab विवाद आइए जानते हैं
दरअसल कर्नाटक के उडुपी के गवर्नमेंट पीयू कॉलेज फॉर विमेन की छह छात्राओं ने याचिका दायर कर कहा था कि हिजाब पहनना उनका संवैधानिक अधिकार है. छात्राओं ने कहा कि उन्हें इससे रोका नहीं जा सकता. अदालत में अब छात्राओं की ओर से जाने-माने वकील संजय हेगड़े दलील देंगे.
इस विवाद की शुरुआत तब शुरू हुई, जब गवर्नमेंट पीयू कॉलेज फॉर विमेन में छह छात्राओं को हिजाब पहन कर आने से रोक दिया गया. छात्राओं ने कॉलेज के फैसले को मानने से इनकार कर दिया था और हाईकोर्ट में इसके खिलाफ दायर कर दी. छात्राओं ने इस फैसले के विरोध में कक्षाओं का बहिष्कार कर रखा था.
छात्रों का कहना है किपहनना उनका संवैधानिक और मौलिक अधिकार है।
इस मामले को लेकर पूरे देश में राजनीति गर्म है कुछ लोग हिजाब के पक्ष में हैं तो कुछ लोग इसके विरोध में है हालांकि देखना होगा कि हाई कोर्ट का फैसला किसके पक्ष में आता है।
इस मामले में आप लोग की क्या विचार हैं कमेंट करके बताएं।
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Hijab burka nakab:-
Hijab burka ya nakab islam dharm me mahilaon dwara pehne jane wala dharmik paridhan hai. jisme mahilaon ki ankhon ko chodkar pura sharir dhaka rehta hai.
Hijab ka itihas:- Hijab is a garment worn in Arab countries, which is adapted to the climate of that region. Hijab protects men and women living in Arab countries from the heat that burns the body by the hot and dry air there.
The hijab is older than Islam, although it was later linked to Islam at the time of the rise of Islam, and with Muslim invaders, it spread to the Indian subcontinent as well.
According to the Qur'an, the hijab cable was mandatory only for the women of Muhammad's family but later it was made mandatory for other common people as well.
karnataka hijab case
Nowadays a matter has to be done about hijab in Karnataka state and politics is happening all over India in this matter.
After all, let's know the Karnatak hijab controversy
In fact, six girl students of Government PU College for Women in Udupi, Karnataka had filed a petition saying that wearing hijab is their constitutional right. The girls said that they could not be stopped from this. Well-known lawyer Sanjay Hegde will now argue on behalf of the girl students in the court.
The controversy started when six girl students were stopped from wearing hijab at the Government PU College for Women. The girl students had refused to accept the decision of the college and filed against it in the High Court. The students boycotted the classes in protest against this decision.
Students say that wearing is their constitutional and fundamental right.
Politics is hot in the whole country regarding this matter, some people are in favor of hijab and some people are against it, although it has to be seen in whose favor the decision of the High Court comes.
What are your thoughts on this matter by commenting.
Hijab burka nakab:-
Hijab burka ya nakab islam dharm me mahilaon dwara pehne jane wala dharmik paridhan hai. jisme mahilaon ki ankhon ko chodkar pura sharir dhaka rehta hai.
Hijab ka itihas:- Hijab is a garment worn in Arab countries, which is adapted to the climate of that region. Hijab protects men and women living in Arab countries from the heat that burns the body by the hot and dry air there.
The hijab is older than Islam, although it was later linked to Islam at the time of the rise of Islam, and with Muslim invaders, it spread to the Indian subcontinent as well.
According to the Qur'an, the hijab cable was mandatory only for the women of Muhammad's family but later it was made mandatory for other common people as well.
karnataka hijab case
Nowadays a matter has to be done about hijab in Karnataka state and politics is happening all over India in this matter.
After all, let's know the Karnatak hijab controversy
In fact, six girl students of Government PU College for Women in Udupi, Karnataka had filed a petition saying that wearing hijab is their constitutional right. The girls said that they could not be stopped from this. Well-known lawyer Sanjay Hegde will now argue on behalf of the girl students in the court.
The controversy started when six girl students were stopped from wearing hijab at the Government PU College for Women. The girl students had refused to accept the decision of the college and filed against it in the High Court. The students boycotted the classes in protest against this decision.
Students say that wearing is their constitutional and fundamental right.
Politics is hot in the whole country regarding this matter, some people are in favor of hijab and some people are against it, although it has to be seen in whose favor the decision of the High Court comes.
What are your thoughts on this matter by commenting.
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